Environment & Charity

Freedom Racing’s whole ethos and passion is about the outdoors. The natural environment is very important to us and we must all try to minimise our impact on the environment. We do this by trying to be aware of our choices, usage and consumption but also by supporting and working with charities that protect and look after the environment.  

Read our separate pages in this section to see what we do to try and minimise our impact and help out!

These are a few things you can do when taking part in our events and to consider generally;

  • Car share where possible to and from OR look into public transport links as an option of travel

  • Not all of our races have T-shirts associated with them, so consider if you definitely want one when entering and read here about doing some other good instead

  • Consider bringing your own bottle or cup with you to an event. We only use recyclable / biodegradable cups (& only on our short distance races) at our water stations but it is event better if you bring your own a re-useable cup.

  • Dispose of race numbers in the correct manner (or re-purpose - they make a cool wall paper!!!) and re-use safety pins, or put them back into our stock after the race for use next time

  • We support Mossy Earth. You can too - an individuals membership is only £10 per month so please look into supporting them too! More info on our specific page, linked below. :-)

Please look at our other Environmental pages to find out what we are doing and how you can join in and help too;

Trees not Tees

Mossy Earth

National Trust